Все публикации

Intro to Python (Week 0: I/O, Arithmetics)

Designing an Online Presentation Web App - Part I (Draggable Div)

20 Minutes Codingbat (Part 5) - Java Edition

News Web App (Part 1: Fetch API)

Building a Chrome Extension (Part 1)

Making a Graphing Calculator Using Turtle (Part 1)

Python Project - Multiplayer UNO Game Using Socket (Part 9 - Begin Socket)

Python Project - Multiplayer UNO Game Using Socket (Part 7 - Special Cards Bug Fixes)

Python LeetCode Challenge (Part 10)

Django Project: Corection (Part 7 | Heroku/ElephantSQL Deployment)

Django Project: Corection (Part 6)

Django Project: Corection (Part 5)

Django Project: Corection (Part 5)

Django Project: Corection (Part 4)

Django Project: Corection (Part 3)

Django Project: Corection (Part 2)

Django Project: Corection (Part 1)

WumpusGPT | Python Discord Bot + ChatGPT

freeCodeCamp: Voting App (Part 1 - Set up)

freeCodeCamp Python Project: Shapes

freeCodeCamp Python Project: Probability Calculator

Python Tutorial (Part 3) | Conditionals

Python Tutorial (Part 2) | Variables

Python Tutorial (Part 1) | Set up and Hello World