Все публикации

Udemy Course Announcement

Good Bye YouTube 😊

Bayesian Rolling Regression

Mario Reinforcement Learning - Part 2 (Double DQN)

Playing Super Mario with Neural Networks - Part 1

Policy Gradients Tutorial (with Ping Pong)

Python plot two histograms

Introduction to Bayesian Statistics with PyMC3

PyTorch Introduction

Yolo Video Bounding Box Labelling Tool

Python Plotting Tutorial

Tensorboard tutorial (MNIST)

Generative Adversarial Networks Tutorial

Sentiment Analysis and DeepSchool first LIVE session

Deep Q Learning

Reinforcement Learning an Introduction

Seq2Seq tutorial (Tensorflow)

Floydhub tutorial

Fake News Classifer

Trump Tweets, fun with lstms

Transfer Learning VGG16 Convolutional Nets

Deep Learning - Choosing Network Size

Deep Learning Embeddings (Keras)

Tensorflow Introduction - Logistic Regression