Все публикации

God Enlil Jesus Enoch Mountain of Oath Metatron Judgment Angel #god #enlil #jesus #enoch #angel

Is Jesus Related to the Anunnaki God King Anu in Luke 3:38? #god #jesus #bible #anunnaki #truth

Anointed King David, 2 Samuel 5:5, Ruled 33 Years over Israel #bible #kingdavid #israel #anointedone

Anunnaki Gods Enki Enlil Ninhursag Jesus Pearls To Swine

Jesus, Moses, Exodus 3:14, John 3:14, Ourbouros Sum of All Things? #god #jesus #bible #anunnaki

Anunnaki Disclosure Moon God Nanna Enlil Abraham of Ur #god #moon #anunnaki #abraham #truth #history

God, Numbers 23:19 If God is not a man then what is he? #god #bible #elohim #jesus #truth #history

Jesus, Matthew 27:23 Why, what evil hath he done? #jesus #bible #jesusbible #god #history #messiah

Anunnaki Gods Shamash and ADAD in 2 Chronicles 33:3 #bible #anunnaki #history #adad #sunworship

Did the Anunnaki Gods Enlil Enki and Ninhursag make human beings with 33 vertebrae in the Bible?

Ezekiel the Prophet in Ezekiel 33:33 Is this all coming true? #bible #god #prophecy #predictions

Jesus, Revelation 12:4, Dragon and the 33? #jesus #bible #god #angel #anunnaki #history #treeoflife

Age of Jesus Enki Anointed Ones Ophiuchus Serpent Tamer #jesus #enki #god #anunnaki #anointing #lord

God, Genesis 1:14, How do we tell time? #god #time #astronomy #astrology #anunnaki #babylon #truth

Jesus, Revelation 19:12 Jesus returns but not as a man...#jesus #bible #god #revelation #truth #ai

Anunnaki Gods Enki Atrahasis Biblical Parallel Noah Genesis 6:22 #anunnaki #noah #god #bible #love

Psalm 23:5-6 'Anointing my head with oil... unfailing love...house of the Lord forever.' #god #love

Moon Worship in the Bible #god #moon #worship #bible #manna #truth #history #nanna #islam #love

Jesus is Bread of God and Angels in the Bible #jesus #bible #god #angel #manna #wordofgod #eucharist

I Am Enlil The Eye in the Sky Watching You!? #enlil #god #eye #history #truth #omnipresent #anunnaki

Anunnaki Demi Gods Called Apkulla Oannes Fish Priest Sumerian Kings!? #anunnaki #history #god #enki

God's Water and Tree of Life, Revelation 22:1-2 #god #bible #treeoflife #history #truth #jesus #love

Enki, Jesus Christ Biggest Secret of All Time?! #enki #god #jesus #christ #anunnaki #vagusnerve

Jesus, Psalm 22:1 Messianic Prophecy Crucified Messiah #jesus #bible #messiah #anointing #prophecy