Все публикации

Designed by Sadhguru, Hatha Yoga Teacher Training is a 5-month residential program

Sadhguru addresses business leaders, athletes, and social media creators at Isha Inner-Sciences

Try this ritual everyday to stay healthy! #health #lifestyle #goodhealth #gurudev #srisriravishankar

Offer lamps for auspiciousness, wellbeing, prosperity and success #lingabhairavidevi #isha #sadhguru

The villagers express their heartfelt gratitude to Sadhguru for establishing Isha Yoga Center

What Is The Best Time To Make Any Decision? #Sadhguru

Don't take decisions when you are stressed. Just Meditate and de-stress #gurudev #srisriravishankar

How Living in Consecrated Spaces Can Transform Your Life..BringDeviHome #Sadhguru #LingaBhairavi

Are You Ignoring This About Your Children’s Mental Health?#Sadhguru #Childhood #Wellbeing #Mental

Give up these 2 things to achieve something great in life! #achieve #gurudev #srisriravishankar

The whole system of hatha yoga is just this #sadhguru #yoga

Hear from Those who had the rare privilege of participating in Naga Pratishtha #sadhguru

Sadhguru on Work life #sadhguru #wisdom #work #workout #workfromhome #workoutmotivation

Consciousness is not yours, it is global #jkrishnamurti #jk

You are older than the stones. You are older than the trees. #gurudev #srisriravishankar

Yogeshwaraya Mahadevaya #sadhguru #yogeshwaraya

Chitta - When God Becomes Your Slave #Sadhguru #Yoga #Intelligence

Bhairavi Jaya Bhairavi ~Composed by sounds_of_isha..

Garba is a dance-style from Gujarat, India. It is traditionally performed during Navratri. Isha USA

Fear is a terrible burden.. Extract from the sixth talk in Saanen, 1977.⁣ #jkrishnamurti #jk

Sadhguru's Tips on Relationship #sadhguru #wisdom

How to Activate your Intuition... #gurudev #srisriravishankar

How Would Sadhguru Like To Be Remembered #Sadhguru #Remember #Legacy #Life

Accept and wait for right time. #gurudev #srisriravishankar