Все публикации

Reducing the costs of marine renewables via advanced structural materials - Prof. Margaret Stack

STEP-WEC - Prof. Peter Stansby

Hydrodynamics of deformable flexible fabric structures for wave energy conversion - Dr Adi Kurniawan

The Impact of Tidal Stream Turbines on 3D and Bed Shear Stress - Prof Daniel Parsons

TeraWatt - Prof. Jon Side

Tidal modelling in high fidelity: the Sound of Islay - Dr Angus Creech

Modelling of Marine Energy Converter Arrays - Dr David Forehand

Momentum Reversal Lift Turbine Arrays - Dr Duncan Sutherland

Research into WEC arrays at Queen's University Belfast - Dr Matthew Folley

Devices, Power Take Off and Reliability - Kate Porter

Array Modelling for Tidal Stream Turbines - Dr Ian Masters

SMARTY project: The importance of sheared currents on loads - Prof. Paul Taylor

X-MED - Prof. Peter Stansby

Modelling Marine Renewable Energy Devices: Designing for Survivability - Dr Johannes Spinneken

Condition Monitoring Tidal Turbines: Waves, Structural Loads and Survivability - Prof. Tim O’Doherty