Все публикации

Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) in Azure Data Factory with Rayis Imayev

Introduction to Azure Data Lake with Oskari Heikkinen

Don't Cross the Streams! A Closer Look at Azure Stream Analytics with Johan Ludvig Brattås

Azure SQL Containers with Andrew Pruski

High Availability and Azure - Scaling SQL Server to the Cloud with Matt Gordon

Instant insights, automation and action with Power BI, Power Apps, Flow and Azure Machine Learning

Building Scalable, Globally Distributed Systems with Cosmos DB with Hasan Savran

Lambda architecture design using Azure Databricks for Advanced Analytics with Lucas Feiock

IaaS or PaaS Managed Instance, Azure DB or Azure VM Why, when, what with Michelle Gutzait

Modern Azure Data Warehouse with David Alzamendi

Big Data with Azure where to begin Concepts and Best Practices with Satya Jayanty

Querying Semistructured Data in Azure Data Lake with USQL with Russel Loski

Text Mining and Sentiment Analysis Made Easy with Sanil Mhatre

Benchmarking in the Cloud with Gianluca Sartori

Azure Data Factory V2 with Kevin Wilkie

Azure Data Factory v2 with Data Flows capabilities with Kamil Nowinski

Cubes in the Cloud Analysis Services in Azure with Alex Whittles

ETL2.0 Data Engineering with Azure Databricks with Asanka Padmakumara

Azure Intelligent Services with Amie Mason

Amazon Web Services RDS with SQL Server with Christopher Wolff

Shard Attack - Horizontal Scaling in Azure SQL Database with David Postlethwaite

Getting to Grips with Performance for Azure SQL Database with Anat Dror

IT Maintenance In Azure with Sarita Garg

Insights with Massive Data Ingestion and Power BI with Armando Lacerda