Все публикации

Why is your child sniffing every object ?

Parent's Gratitude to LDRW and Overcoming Learning Difficulties

How to Improve Your Writing Speed by working on reading

How to Solve Confusion of numbers 12 , 21, 54, 45 for your child

Super Writing trick to improve reading

Super Game to improve Reading

How does - The Spelling Secret work for children with learning issues..

How Reading becomes the MAGIC to Writing

How does - The Handwriting Magic work.....

How to Practice LSRW in regular classroom

Solve Confusion of numbers 12 , 21, 54, 45 for child with learning problem.


Which is the best Learning Style for my Child ?

Decoding Numbers Helping Dyscalculic Kids Master 21 and 12

Does your child have difficulty of hindi letters like jaa and Chaa ?

Bright Mind, Struggling Reader Overcoming Reading Difficulties

How to Boost Your LD Child's Exam Performance

How to decide when to CHOOSE NIOS, for your chiild?

How to decide when to CHOOSE NIOS board for your child?

Is your child good at reading but cannot remember the answers and write 1

Does your child write very very SLOWLY ?

Does your child have problems with reversal of spellings?

Does your child get confused with TO, TWO or ON NO or OF, OFF ?

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