Все публикации

Lesson 131 Part I: Finite-State Machines with No Output | Language Recognized by Finite Automata

Lesson 130: Finite-State Machines with Output | Finite-State Machine | Deterministic Finite Automata

Lesson 129 Part II: Languages and Grammars | Leftmost and Rightmost Derivation | Types of Grammars

Lesson 128 Part I: Languages and Grammars | Phrase-Structure Grammars | Automata VS TOC

Lesson 127: Minimization of Circuits | The Quine–McCluskey Method

Lesson 126: Minimization of Circuits | Don't Care (X) Conditions in K-Maps

Lesson 125: Minimization of Circuits | Karnaugh Map - K Map for 2, 3 and 4 Variables

Lesson 123: SOP vs POS | Min-term vs Max-term | Functional Completeness

Lesson 122: Identities of Boolean Algebra | Duality and Abstract Definition of a Boolean Algebra

Lesson 121: Boolean Algebra | Boolean Expressions | Boolean Functions in Discrete Mathematics

Lesson 119: Depth-First Search VS Breadth-First Search | Backtracking Applications

Lesson 120: Kruskal's and Prim's Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) Algorithms

Lesson 118: Spanning Trees | Kirchhoff's Matrix Tree Theorem | Minimum Spanning Tree

Lesson 117: Tree Traversal | Infix Prefix and Postfix Notation with Examples

Lesson 116: Tree Traversal | Inorder Preorder Postorder Traversal of Binary Trees

Lesson 115: Applications of Trees | Prefix Codes | HUFFMAN CODING

Lesson 114: Introduction to Trees | Properties of Trees | FULL & BALANCED m-ARY TREES

Lesson 113: Introduction to Trees | TREE vs GRAPH | Tree terminology and its basic Types

Lesson 112: Graph Coloring | THE FOUR COLOR THEOREM | Applications of Graph Colorings

Lesson 111: Planar Graphs in Discrete Mathematics | EULER’S FORMULA | Kuratowski’s Theorem

Lesson 110: Travelling Salesman Problem | Traveling Salesperson Problem in Discrete Mathematics

Lesson 109: Shortest-Path Problems | Dijkstra’s Algorithm in Discrete Mathematics

Lesson 108: Understanding Mohammed's Scimitars | Fleury's Algorithm

Lesson 107: Hamilton Paths and Circuits | Applications of Hamilton Circuits