Все публикации

Lecture: 69 How to draw a Frequency Polygon

Lecture 5: How to find determinant of 2 by 2 and 3 by 3 matrix

Lecture 68: How to draw Histogram | complete explanation

Lecture 67: How to draw component bar chart | component bar diagram

Lecture 66: Type 1 and Type 2 error | basic concept

Lecture 65: How to draw multiple bar chart | multiple bar diagram

Lecture 64: Confidence Interval for the difference between two population means | examples

Lecture 63: How to draw bar chart | bar diagram

Lecture 62: How to draw Pie chart | pie diagram | sector diagram

Lecture 61: Confidence interval estimation of population mean with examples | complete explanation

Lecture 60: Estimation of confidence interval | basic concept

Lecture 59: Estimation | point estimation and interval estimation

Lecture 4: Multiplication of Matrices | complete explanation

Lecture58: Testing Hypothesis for Standard Deviation with examples

Lecture3: Addition and Subtraction of matrices | Examples

Lecture57: Hypothesis Testing for difference between two proportions with example

Lecture56: Testing hypothesis for population proportion with example

Lecture 55: Testing hypothesis for differences between two population means with examples

Lecture 54: Hypothesis Testing for population mean with examples

Lecture 53: One tailed and two tailed test and Testing hypothesis about mean

Lecture: 52 Procedure for Test of Hypothesis

Lecture: 2 Class 9 math Chapter no 1 Types of Matrices

Lecture: 1 Class 9 Math Chapter no 1 Exercise: 1.1 ,Matrices and Determinants

Lecture 37: Poisson Distribution and Examples