Все публикации

human remains; matt maltese// lyrics

tip toe; hybs// lyrics

Quackity Bday


abba; angeleyes// lyrics

I don't know you; the marías// lyrics

calling you back; the marías// lyrics

I want you; Savage Garden// lyrics

I like it; the marías// lyrics

take care of yourself; teddy thompson// lyrics

little by little; the marías// lyrics-español

let's try being in love; darren hayes// sub. español

my body is a cage; arcade fire// sub. español

never can say goodbye; glee cast// sub. español

I want you back; glee cast// sub español

applause; glee cast// sub. español

I love it; glee cast// sub. español

can't fight this feeling; glee cast//sub. español

back to black; glee cast// sub. español

spin me around; the marias// lyrics español- Inglés

over the moon; the marias// lyrics español-inglés

i want to break free; glee cast// sub. español

close to you; jan romina//sub. español

home; glee cast (season 6)// sub. español