Все публикации

The cutting edge of anti-ageing science | Venki Ramakrishnan

Highlights: What superforecasters and experts think about existential risks | Ezra Karger

Social change is often abrupt & unpredictable — why? | Cass Sunstein (2019)

Kuhan Jeyapragasan on effective altruism university groups (2022)

Why your robot butler isn't here yet | Ken Goldberg

Highlights: California AI bill SB 1047 & its potential to shape US AI policy | Nathan Calvin

Stopping valueless papers from getting into top journals | Spencer Greenberg (2023)

Highlights: Challenging our assumptions about insects | Meghan Barrett

Big-picture historical trends in human values, war, & more | Ian Morris (2022)

Two big critiques of GiveWell's charity evaluation + 6 lessons learned | Elie Hassenfeld (2023)

Highlights: War in space, ageing civilisations, & wild future tech | Anders Sandberg (2023)

What superforecasters and experts think about existential risks | Ezra Karger

Highlights: Edge cases of sentience & acting ethically despite massive uncertainty | Jonathan Birch

Air pollution is responsible for ~12% of global deaths. What can we do? | Santosh Harish (2023)

Can AI regulation just be left to AI companies themselves?

Testing the Freudian theory that grief is caused by repressed anger

Highlights: Who tries to steal AI models & what they could do with them | Sella Nevo (#196)

China & AI: What we get wrong | Jeffrey Ding (2020)

Highlights: Laura Deming on the science to keep us healthy in our 80s and beyond

Unfashionable climate interventions that work & fashionable ones that don’t | Johannes Ackva (2023)

How to regulate cutting-edge AI models | Markus Anderljung (2023)

Alex Lawsen on avoiding 10 mistakes people make when pursuing a high impact career

Do unconditional cash transfers cause economic growth in low-income countries? | Paul Niehaus (2023)

Everyone has to believe agents of positive change are people like them | Vitalik Buterin