Все публикации

Build a Real-Time Message App from Scratch with Swift

Fun with Arrays: Exploring the Exciting World of Data Manipulation

Making Your App More Accessible: Enabling Dynamic Text in iOS

How to Add Fun and Dynamic Lottie Animations to Your iOS Project

Powering Up Your Mac Terminal with Oh-My-Zsh

Improving Your iOS Development Workflow with SwiftGen: A Practical Guide

Traveling and Coding: A Recap of Last Year and Plans for the Future

How to Setup Swift Format on XCode 14

How to Setup SwiftLint on XCode 14

'Super' Keyword in iOS Inheritance

How to Document your iOS Swift Code

Adding Swipe Actions to UITableViewCells | Swift 5, XCode 13

A Day in the Life of a Software Engineer in Berlin, Germany

How to get a Job in Big Tech Companies

Dealing with Imposter Syndrome?

Async Await Explained with Example | Swift 5, XCode 13

iOS Dev 44: Connecting XCode 13 to GitHub | Git Workflow

iOS Dev 43: Collaboration with Git & Xcode 13 Explained with illustration

How to onboard into a new codebase

My First Bootcamp Experience in a Big Tech Company

iOS Dev 42: Multiple Section CollectionView with Compositional Layout | Swift 5, XCode 13

iOS Dev 41: UICollectionView Compositional Layout Explained | Swift 5, XCode 13

How to Create Custom Code Snippet using XCode

iOS Dev 40: Getting Started with Programmatic UI | Swift 5, XCode 13