Все публикации

Biblical Assurance versus Lordship Salvation (by Sonny Hernandez)

Sonship: Eternal or Incarnational? An Exegetical Examination (by Sonny Hernandez)

John 3:16: “The Most Popular Text Every Arminian Will Twist' (by Sonny Hernandez)

An Examination of 2 Peter 2:1 (by Sonny Hernandez)

Ο λεγόμενος αυτός Ιησούς των Αρμινιανιστών δεν είναι ο Σωτήρας (by Sonny Hernandez)

John 2:12-17: 'The Son’s Cleansing of the Father’s Temple' (by Sonny Hernandez)

John 1:43-51: 'The Call of the First Disciples of Christ' - Part 2 (by Sonny Hernandez)

2024 Sovereign Grace Bible Conference, Lexington, Kentucky (Highlights)

Arminians and the Trinity - what compromising Calvinists won't tell you (by Sonny Hernandez)

The Trinity is Fully Revealed in the Old Testament (by Sonny Hernandez)

The False Gospel of Arminianism (by Sonny Hernandez)

John 1:35-42: 'The Call of the First Disciples of Christ' - Part 1 (by Sonny Hernandez)

John 1:29-34: 'The Record of John the Baptist' - Part 2 (by Sonny Hernandez)

John MacArthur - A Double-Minded Man/Legalist (by Sonny Hernandez)

Image of God in Man (by Sonny Hernandez)

John 1:19-28: 'The Record of John the Baptist' - Part 1 (by Sonny Hernandez)

Jim Brown's 'salvation that works' is 'salvation by works' -A biblical response (by Sonny Hernandez)

Why is looking to the law for assurance of salvation a false gospel? (by Sonny Hernandez)

Treating the confessions as equally authoritative with Scripture is heresy! (by Sonny Hernandez)

John 1:14-18: 'Two Natures in One Person, the Logos' (by Sonny Hernandez)

Monergistic Sanctification in Christ Alone - A Refutation of Legalism (by Sonny Hernandez)

John 1:9-13: 'The Response to the Logos' (by Sonny Hernandez)

John 1:6-8: 'The Forerunner of the Logos' (by Sonny Hernandez)

Lost and Found - Romans 10:1-4 (by Randy Wages)