Все публикации

0/2/0 Irelia mains convincing themselves they can 1v2 inside enemy wave #leagueoflegends #hasbulla

Kha'zix mains convincing themselves their oneshot combo requires fingers #leagueoflegends #hasbulla

Tank toplaners and junglers convincing the supp to facecheck #leagueoflegends #hasbulla #leesintome

Malphite mains convincing themselves to build full AP #leagueoflegends #hasbulla #leesintome

Yone mains convincing themselves they also have an 0/10 powerspike

Lee Sin mains convincing themselves to take every Q they land #leagueoflegends #hasbulla #leesintome

Kaisa mains convincing themselves they mechanically superior #leagueoflegends #hasbulla #leesintome

Bronze players convincing themselves they deserve diamond #leagueoflegends #hasbulla #leesintome

D4 enchanter players #leagueoflegends #hasbulla #leesintome

Lulu mains convincing themselves they aren't elo inflated #leagueoflegends #hasbulla #leesintome

Illaoi mains convincing themselves they can 1v3 (they can) #leagueoflegends #hasbulla #leesintome

Leblanc mains convincing themselves they can juke anything #leagueoflegends #hasbulla #leesintome

Riot Games convincing themselves Ravenous Hydra isn't broken #leagueoflegends #hasbulla #leesintome

Pyke mains explaining to ADC why they'll be laning 2v1 #leagueoflegends #hasbulla #leesintome

where my Muslim league players at #leagueoflegends #teemo #muslim #leesintome

pov : kitty Kat 69 uwu just instalocked #shorts #leesintome #leagueoflegends #katarina

pov : Tarzaned is in your lobby #leagueoflegends #leesintome #graves #hasbulla

pov : I'm your jungler #shorts #leagueoflegends #nidalee #leesintome #hasbulla

please buff irelia #shorts #leagueoflegends #leesintome #irelia

pov : your toplaner instalocked ghost flash vayne and mute all #shorts #leesintome #leagueoflegends

POV: you're playing karthus jungle #shorts #leagueoflegends #leesintome #botlane #karthus

POV : your top is named 'D CANE 69' #shorts #leesintome #leagueoflegends #nasus

Most coordinated Comp teammates #shorts #leesintome #valorant #shortsvideo #trending #valorantclips

POV : your clash team FORKING SUCKS #shorts #leesintome #leagueoflegends #clash