Все публикации

6.) Edit Catalog Asset Attributes

Sudden Increase in Azure Storage Cost?

5.) Run First Purview Scan

SQL Joins - Simplified | Detailed | Explanation

4.) Register a Data Source

3.) Create Data Map and Collections

2.) Overview of Purview Portal Features

1.) Create Azure Purview Account

Snowflake Data Sharing - Architecture

Load CSV data from Azure data lake to Snowflake tables

Create Python virtual environment using Anaconda Navigator

Snowflake | Snowpipe Introduction

Load PARQUET Data from s3 using Snowpipe

Load CSV Data from s3 using Snowpipe

Set & Alter Time travel Retention Time Property

What is Time Travel - Detailed

What is Failsafe in snowflake - Detailed Overview

Python | Iterable & Iterators, Enumerate Function | Session 15

Python | Comprehensions | Session 14 - Part 2

Python | Comprehensions | Session 14 - Part 1

Python | Methods | Session 13 - Part 2

Python | Methods | Session 13 - Part 1

Python | Lambda Functions | Session 12 - Part 2

Python | Lambda Functions | Session 12 - Part 1