Все публикации

018 Interview with Laurie Krieg: Navigating Sexuality in a Christ-Centered Way

017 Proverbs 31: Rest and Balance

016 Proverbs 31: Her Businesses

015: Proverbs 31 & Homemaking

014 Historical Context of the Nativity: Part 2

013 Historical Context of the Nativity: Part 1

012 Understanding God's people not acting like Him

011 Anxiety and Nearness: Philippians 4's Gentle Call

010 Psalms 102-103: Anxiety, Compassion, and Maternal Imagery

Types of Anxiety and Philippians 4

009 Interview Becky Castle Miller: Anxiety, Worry, Trauma, and Emotions in Scripture

008 Interview Sex Ed Reclaimed: Faith-Based Approaches to Sexuality Education

Let's discuss!

007 Proverbs 31: Partnership, Marriage, and Trust

006 Proverbs 31: Woman of Valor

Proverbs 31: Introduction and Stereotypical Womanhood

Proverbs 31 podcasts dropping now

005 Proverbs 31: Introduction & Stereotypical Womanhood

Subscribe to get the Proverbs 31 podcast series! #proverbs31 #proverbs31woman #biblicalwomanhood

To this:Yes, Eve helped bring sin into the world, but she is also a vehicle of redemption and hope!!

004 Women in Context: Joanna and Susanna (Luke 8:1-3)

Cultures of the Bible were Patricentric and Heterarchical

Eve in Exile book Review - Part 1 #eveinexile #genderroles #womensroles #sahm

See women as God sees them! #biblestudy #bible #biblepodcaster #womenoftheword #womenofthebible