Все публикации

The Inherent Subjectivity of Theistic Sexual Morality

Comments on Atheists I Respect becoming Agnostics

If a god Existed, We Would Have Been Created in Heaven

Countering the 'Greater Goods Necessitate Evil' Theodicy

Should Atheists & Secularists ally with the Religious Right against Wokeism?

Interview with Dr. Joshua Rasmussen on Universalism & his Philosophical Theology

The Utter Failure of the Free Will Theodicy

Answering @TestifyApologetics on Whether Doubting Christians Should Avoid Critics of Christianity

Check out my & Ryan from @RealAtheology appearance on @EmersonGreen Counter Apologetics Podcast!

William Lane Craig's Double Standards for Belief - In his own words!

William Lane Craig Cherry Picks His Standards for Christian Belief

No @CapturingChristianity Atheism doesn't logically lead to despair!

Countering Trent Horn on Trans Rights

Countering the Contingency Argument & Defending Brute Facts

William Lane Craig badly responds to the Problem of Heaven + Evil

William Lane Craig's Self-Referentially Incoherent Meta-Ethical Theory

Yes, Repeatable Empirically Verifiable Miracles would prove god exists! (Response to Trent Horn)

Is there an Objective Evidential Filter for Historical Miracle Claims? (Response to @Testify Pt. 2)

Responding to @TestifyApologetics on Miracles (Part 1)

An Atheist Christmas? (Yes!) Is Christmas Pagan? (No!)

What Evidence do I have for Atheism (Responding to Cameron's 3 Questions for Atheists)

Gun Politics: Terrible Arguments for Gun Control in the Supreme Court NYSRPA v Bruen Case

Epistemology Discussion with Randal Rauser

Countering Plantinga's Reformed Epistemology & Randal Rauser's Apologetic