Все публикации

Understanding hybrid massive parallel grid computing on a lightboard session using CLAIMED, Kubeflow

reupload: TensorLakeHouse & Workflows 4 geospatial data w/ kubeflow, claimed, openeo,xarray,zarr,cog

CommonWorkflowLanguage CWL with Kubeflow using boilerplate - Elyra & CLAIMED community call 3/2023

Tensor Lake House & Workflows for geospatial data using kubeflow, claimed, openeo, xarray, zarr, cog

DataOps and MLOps with Kubeflow

TensorBank and PyTorch Streaming Tensor Sampler in action #tensorlakehouse

How to create Kubernetes Jobs directly from Jupyter Notebooks #CLAIMEDframework

How to create kubeflow pipelines and components using CLAIMED

Resist letting AI code generators mess up your coding style! #copilot

How to create virtual environments for Jupyter Notebooks in VSCode

How to run Pangeo with XArray, Dask, Zarr and S3 Cloud Object Store serverless on KNative/Kubernetes

Romeo Kienzler pitches CLAIMED library to LinuxFoundation AI for Incubation (starts 2:24)

Romeo Kienzler pitches JupyterLab Elyra Pipelines to LinuxFoundation AI for Incubation (starts 4:14)

ElyraCanvas, the library powering OpenSource LowCode NoCode Elyra WatsonStudio SPSS DataStage & more

Batch size IS a hyperparameter! proven with #tensorflow #kubernetes #kubeflow #katib

Updates on @Kubeflow #Katib experiments, spoiler: back on KIND 4 now..but not giving up on OpenShift

Optimizing (TensorFlow) models on #Kubernetes with #Kubeflow #Katib #Elyra #JupyterLab and #CLAIMED

Voila + IPyWidgets + JupyterLab for super fast UI development without the pain of JavaScript

The Jupyter Ecosystem explained in 5 min #micropodcast #jupyterlab #jupyterhub #jupyternotebook

The VSCode ecosystem explained in 5 minutes #micropodcast

Understand Bloom Filters in less than three minutes

Bayesian Optimization for Neural Network Architecture Search and Hyperparameter Tuning (3/x)

Population Based Training PBT for Neural Network Architecture Search and Hyperparameter Tuning (2/x)

DeepLearning in Genomics Guest Lecture 2022