Все публикации

Excel in Practice, Tečaj za Planiranje stroškov

Avtomatizacija Excela - tečaj z glasovno razlago za primer planiranja stroškov.

Cost Management in Excel

One Excel file, More Users, Common Report

8 Steps Excel Automation Guide

Excel BI portal

Excel 3D Interactive Sales Map

Excel Drop-down List

Excel Household Budget Template 3D

Excel Personal Protective Equipment Template 3D

Excel Inventory Management Template

Excel Investments Template 3D

Excel Task Management Template 4D

Excel Task Management Template

Kako izdelamo poročilo v Excelu iz več enakih listov v datoteki - 3 del

Kako izdelamo poročilo v Excelu iz več enakih listov v datoteki -2 del

How to eliminate automatic calculations before saving an Excel file

How to link two Excel sheets using VLOOKUP function.

Kako izdelamo skupno poročilo iz različnih dvodimenzionalnih tabel na enem listu - 1 del

Excel in Practice eLearning course

Kako se sami naučite Excel s tečaji Excel in Practice

Advantages of Excel in Practice interactive courses - One input table

Excel in Practice uvod

Excel in Practice introduction