Все публикации

Greatest Common Divisor of Strings - LeetCode 1071 #leetcode #leetcode75

Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze - LeetCode 1926 - Python #leetcode #leetcode75 #bfs

Online Stock Span #LeetCode901 #leetcode #leetcode75

Number of Recent Calls - LeetCode 933 #leetcode #leetcode75

Successful Pairs of Spells and Potions - LeetCode 2300 - Python #leetcode #leetcode75

Koko Eating Bananas - LeetCode 875 #leetcode #leetcode75 #binarysearch

Guess Number Higher or Lower #leetcode #leetcode75

Minimum Size Subarray Sum #leetcode #topinterview150

Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City Zero #leetcode #leetcode75

Word Pattern #leetcode #topinterview150

Search Insert Position #leetcode #binarysearch #topinterview150

Find the Difference of Two Arrays - LeetCode 2215 - Python #leetcode #leetcode75

Isomorphic Strings #leetcode #topinterview150

Sum Root to Leaf Numbers #leetcode #topinterview150

Average of Levels in Binary Tree #leetcode #topinterview150 #binarytree

Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String #leetcode #topinterview150 #binarytree

Longest Consecutive Sequence #leetcode #blind75

Max Consecutive Ones III #leetcode #leetcode75

Removing Stars From a String - LeetCode 2390 - Python #leetcode75 #stack #leetcode

Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons - LeetCode 452 - Python #leetcode #leetcode75 #greedy

Reverse Words in a String - LeetCode 151 - Python #leetcode75

Maximum Twin Sum of a Linked List - LeetCode 2130 - Python #leetcode75

String Compression - LeetCode 443 - Python #leetcode75 #leetcode

Merge k Sorted Lists - LeetCode 23 - Python #heap #leetcode #linkedlist