Все публикации

National Superintendents Forum

Insight Advance NELW Break Out Session (2022): Record, Reflect & Grow

Webinar Recording: Video coaching best practices: A Successful District Case Study

ADVANCEfeedback Demo (2020)

Virtual Professional Learning with Insight ADVANCE

Webinar Recording: Using the Danielson Framework for Teaching for video coaching and remote teaching

Webinar Recording: How to Create a Coaching Program That Works

Why you should download: How to Create a Coaching Program That Works reason #3

Why you should download: How to Create a Coaching Program That Works reason #2

Why you should download: How to Create a Coaching Program That Works reason #1

Why you should download: How to Create a Coaching Program That Works from author Pam Moran.

ADVANCEfeedback Demo

K12 Case Study Featuring Dr. Kandace Bethea and Marion County

Utilizing Video for Reflection and Collaborative Coaching

About Insight ADVANCE

Introducing ADVANCElive

3 Best Practices for Giving Teachers Ownership of Their Professional Development

Video Used in Coaching and Evaluation.

Evolution of Video Observation

Breaking Down Barriers

Dr. Michael Moody Recalls his Own Coaching Experiences

Support All Educators

Video Allows Teachers to Feel Less Isolated

Think Big, Start Small.