Все публикации

Detectron 2 Segmentation Demo at DevOps and Dine in Munich

Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning

Industry & CO2 Removal - Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning [Part 5]

Farms & Forests - Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning [Part 4]

Buildings & Cities - Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning [Part 3]

Transportation - Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning [Part 2]

Electricity Systems - Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning [Part 1]

AI Ping Pong game with Raspberry Pi 4 & Google Coral USB stick

Deep Learning Frameworks - codecentric.AI Bootcamp

Wie lernt ein neuronales Netz - codecentric.AI Bootcamp

Was ist Transfer Learning - codecentric.AI Bootcamp

Neuronale Netze Architekturen - codecentric.AI Bootcamp

Was sind neuronale Netze - codecentric.AI Bootcamp

Überblick Neuronale Netze und Deep Learning - codecentric.AI Bootcamp

Google's Coral Dev Board with Edge TPU - realtime object detection at 70fps

NLP Intent Recognition - codecentric.AI Bootcamp

Was sind neuronale Netze und was ist Deep Learning? - codecentric.AI Bootcamp

Machine Learning: Das grundlegende Prinzip - codecentric.AI Bootcamp

NLP Basics - codecentric.AI Bootcamp

Convolutional Neural Networks - codecentric.AI Bootcamp

Gradient Boosting & XGboost - codecentric.AI Bootcamp

Was ist Machine Learning, eine Einführung - codecentric.AI Bootcamp

Machine Learning Grundlagen - Random Forests & Entscheidungsbäume

Computer Vision Basics - codecentric.AI Bootcamp