Все публикации

attribute changes

Introduction to Practical Data Science with R, 2nd Editon

Basic PyCharm (IDE for Python) Video Review

Estimating Rates using Probability Theory

Vectors for Programmers and Data Scientists (with R examples)

Vectors for Programmers and Data Scientists (with Python examples)

Data shaping with cdata

Using R and RStudio to try out Apache Spark

Hummingbird Bathing 2

Hummingbird Bath

Step-Debugging magrittr/dplyr Pipelines in R with wrapr and replyr

Using the wrapr R package to debug with RStudio

Parametric programming in R with replyr

More on using wrappers to debug in R

Debugging Magrittr Pipes in R and RStudio

RStudio Notebook demo

RNotebook quick demo

Debugging R code using R, RStudio and wrapper functions

Short slide deck of references and follow-up ideas.

Campaign Planning: part 4 demonstration

Campaign Planning: part 3 definition of terms