Все публикации

Offloading cake at a party

Mark Falls Off Stage 🫣

Broden Kelly - Chuffed (Dad Song) | The Aunty Donna Awards

What did you do!?

The #startrek DS9 quiz

What's Your Last Meal on Death Row?

Is it cake or bread 🤔?

When I catch myself missing him 💔

It's our 400th episode 🤯

What's for breakfast 🐐?

Mr Moustache Man 〰️

Subway Crisis Meeting 😬

The South African Sams Taunt Mark 😂

The Stray Man #antonystarr

We're Aunty Donna, blam be tam fon du jam

How can we get parents?

Are Real Estate Agents the biggest c.... on earth?

Why are they like this 🤔?

The Man Whose Favourite Day of the Year is Dec 31st

Aunty Donna on #Minecraft now!?

Trying to buy a house in 2024...

Someone needs to hear this...

If your mates don't do this, are they even mates?

DON'T get in the Kiln