Все публикации

Tiny present 3D print #3dprinting #holidayseason

171/1000 - Happy Winter Solstice 2024!Panda 171 of my 1000 Pandas art project

3D printed ornaments for the Christmas tree

3D Printed Fidget Snake, 7 color options - Amanda Roos Art on Etsy #fidgettoys #yearofthesnake #2025

Snowflake designs on Sun Art paper

Christmas lights 2024

170/1000 - Cute Pandas with Snowflakes. 1000 Pandas Art Project By Amanda Roos

Another jelly fish. Crochet amigurimi. On my Etsy shop!

3D printed ice skating bears

Knitted blob buddies #knittingmachine #stockingstufferideas

Panda wrapping paper

Timelapse of drawing the coloring page that I used as the cover for my coloring book.

New snowflake items in my Etsy shop! Amanda Roos Art on Etsy

Rainbow laces in the rain.

Ran out of yellow filament while in the middle of 3D printing fidgets, so I switched to black.

3D printing bookmarks - they're like small paintings!

You deserve to feel safe being yourself.

I 3D printed spirograph gears. 😁 Having fun making all sorts of rainbow shapes. 🌈

My first time 3D printing with silk PLA. #silkfilament

Easy Panda Drawing

How can you know this way not that?

Make some noise. Stop making yourself small.

Another jellyfish

You should make money for making art