Все публикации

Augusto Sagnotti: 'superstring Theory' - Lecture V

Marco Chiodaroli: 'Amplitudes ' - Lecture IV

Marco Chiodaroli: 'Amplitudes ' - Lecture V

Michele Del Zotto: 'Introduction to Generalized Global Symmetries' - Lecture I

Guilherme L. Pimentel: 'Cosmological Bootstrap' - Lecture IV

People at GGI | GGI Post-Doc 2024 | Li Gan

Claudia Hagedorn: 'Theory of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay '- Lecture II

Claudia Hagedorn: 'Theory of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay' - Lecture I

People at GGI - Workshop 'Mathematical Structures in Scattering Amplitudes'

Georgios Papathanasiou: 'Landau Singularities from Whitney Stratifications'

Radu Roiban: 'Theoretical structures in classical scattering amplitudes and observables'

Andrew McLeod: 'Diagnosing Steinmann Violation using Minimal Cuts'

Yang Zhang: 'On the analytic computation of 2loop 6point and 3loop 5point Feynman integrals'

Piotr Bargiela: 'Constraining and exploiting the analytic structure of QCD amplitudes'

Ross Glew: 'The Amplituhedron from fibrations of fibrations of ...'

Matija Tapuskovic: 'Motivic Galois theory of algebraic Mellin transforms'

D. Radice: 'Neutrinos in Neutron Star Mergers'

T. Pitik: 'High-energy Neutrino Emission from Interaction-powered Supernovae'

F. Pompa: 'Neutrino masses from astro- to particle physics'

T. Kajita: 'A path to discovery: neutrinos and gravitational waves' - Lecture I

M. Archidiacono: 'Towards neutrino mass detection from upcoming cosmological surveys'

G. Barenboim: 'Introductory lectures on neutrinos' - Lecture II

Vivek SHENDE: 'Skein-valved cluster algebra'

Tomas PROCHAZKA: 'W-Algebras and Bethe Ansatz in 2d CFT'