Все публикации

Azir plays

Kai Sa Pentakill

Worlds 2018 - Quarter Finals Highlights

Nocturne Pentakill

A very fortunate series of events - Thresh

Jinx Pentakill

Kassadin Penta

I finally have lee highlights pt 2

I finally have lee hightlights pt 1

Gangplank Unofficial Penta

Im clean at Leblanc

Irelia quadra kill

2/25/2019 Darius Pentakill!!?!?!?!?

Option C

Vayne Penta

Darius you're toxic

Uh, Penta

Niru and I have good synergy

Did I do good?

TL Mechonis Squads Clutch Victory

Jhin didnt let me get assists half the time and I only got an s-

I got a quadra on jhin which is essentially a penta

Blitz OP

One does not simply gank Darius