Все публикации

UK Department of Surgery Research Forum, February 2022

Roberto Gedaly, MD: Regulatory T Cells in regulating organ tolerance in liver and kidney transplants

Fanny Chapelin, PhD: Imaging Innovations in Biomedical Engineering

David Minion, MD: The Process of Innovation

Guoqiang Yu, PhD: Surgical Optical Devices

Hand Surgery Fellowship at the University of Kentucky

Left Knee, Arthroscopy Setup and Loose Body Removal - GoPro Fusion 360

Left Knee Arthroscopy, Diagnostic Scope, Chondroplasty and Visualization - GoPro Fusion 360

Simple Running Stitch

2019 Dr. Richard W. Schwartz Memorial Lecture Series - Trauma in the Elderly

Simple Running Stitch

Horizontal and Vertical Mattress Sutures

Running subcuticular stitch (closing skin incision)

Simple buried/subcuticular stitch (closing port sites)

Simple Interrupted and Instrument Tie

One Handed Knot Tying

Two Handed Knot Tying


Running Subcuticular Stitch

Tying a Buried Knot

Mattress Sutures

Two Handed Knot Tying

One Handed Knot Tying

University of Kentucky Plastic Surgery Residency