Все публикации

animelody studio

Κωνσταντίνος Ιμβριώτης Δεύτερο βραβείο Ελλάδα/ Animegaron 2023/Elevator Alone

Interval resolutions 1

Oι λύσεις των διάφωνων διαστημάτων 1

Ο κοντορεβυθούλης

Theory of Music-Grades 1,2,3,4

Interval resolutions 2

Interval conversions

Intervals in the minor scales

Intervals in the major scales

Interval inversions

Τhe intervals 2

Τhe intervals 1

The minor scales 2

The minor scales 1

The major scales 2

The major scales 1

The tones and the semitones

Tempo,dynamics,musical ornaments

The accidentals

The bar 2

The bar 1

The triplets and the tuplets

Tie and dot