Все публикации

Woman Says She Always Questions Men Who Call Their Ex Crazy

Woman Thinks Men Who Travel By Themselves Can’t Be Trusted

Woman Says Her Kids Don’t Need Their Father In Their Lives Because Of How He Treats Her

Lawyer Explains Why A Man Losing His Job Is Big Precipitator For Woman Wanting Divorce

Woman Goes Through The Stages Of Anxiety After Man Cancels Date

Woman Believes That Casual Dating Should Be Normalized

Woman Questions Why Do Some Women Claim To Have Boyfriends Knowing They’re Single

Women Were Asked About What’s Biggest Dating Issues, Their Answers Begin And End With Blaming Men

Woman Thinks That Women Need To Lower Their Standards When It Comes To Dating

Woman Goes Off On Men Who Ask Women “What Do You Offer”

Woman Believes Men Crying At Their Wedding Is A Major Red Flag

Women Joke About Men Who’s Are Passionate About Going To The Gym

Woman Explains How She Came To Realize That Men Are Really Simple To Deal With

Woman Explains Why She’s Against Women Not Having A Wedding, Says It Was Best Day Of Her Life

Woman Jokes About How Men Lie About Being An Athlete Just To Date Her

Women Vent About Why You Can’t Let Men Pick Out Engagement Rings

Woman Says It’s Hard To Find Man That Makes More Money Than Her

Woman Believes The Worst Thing Women Can Do Is Be Too Available For Men

Woman Believes Men Who Drive These Certain Cars Will Always Want To Split Bills

Woman Gives Advice To Women On How To Find Men Who Have Money

Woman Admits That She Doesn’t Respond To DMs, Says Men Aren’t Worth It

When It Comes To Crashing Out, These Women Admit They Always Put The Blame On Men

Woman Vents About Men Who Are 30 Plus Not Being Serious About Dating, Calls It Peter Pan Syndrome

Woman Says If Men Want Traditional Women, They Need To Make More Money