Все публикации

Linear Algebra: Finding change-of-coordinates matrix

Linear Algebra: Finding change-of-coordinates matrices

Linear Algebra: Bases for Nul A, Col A and Row A

Linear Algebra: showing whether a set is a vector subspace (3 examples)

Linear Algebra: check if a set H is subspace of the matrix vector space of 2x2 matrices

Linear Algebra: Basis for the Column space of a matrix

Linear Algebra: Basis for the Null space of a matrix

Linear Algebra: Check if the set is a basis or not a basis

Linear Algebra: linear combination, matrix

Linear Algebra: parametric vector form solution

Linear Algebra: Parametric vector form solution of a system

Linear Algebra: Check if a system is consistent

Diff Eqn: Solving nonhomogeneous IVP using Laplace transforms

Calculus: Rate of change (Area of a triangle, altitude, base)

Diff Eqn: solving non-homogeneous by variation of parameters method

Diff Eq: integration factor, Exact ode example 5/5

Power Series for ln(2+x)

Diff Eqn: Solving IVP using Laplace Transform example

ODE: Finding correct form of y_p, a particular solution

ODE: Finding correct form of y_p, a particular solution

Runge-Kutta (RK4) Method: one example

Modeling using a sinusoidal function (distance of hour hand of clock and ceiling)

Modeling of Ferris wheel using a cosine function

Diff Eqn: Reduction of Order example 3/5