Все публикации

Locally testable codes

Law of iterated logarithm in Last passage percolation

Scaling limits of quadratic rational maps and trees of spheres

Characteristic polynomials of random matrices, log correlated fields and universality via dynamics

Euclidean algorithms are Gaussian over quadratic imaginary fields

Complex Hénon maps in higher dimensions

Lyapunov exponents of non-Archimedean rational maps

Satellite renormalisations and small divisors

Polygonal billiards, renormalisation and parabolic dynamics

Spectral gap for irreducible subgroups and a strong version of Margulis normal subgroup theorem

Boundaries of disjoint-type hyperbolic components

Julia sets, Kleinian groups, and Schwarz reflections: relations via David surgery

Infinite adjacent renormalizations for cubic polynomials and combinatorial rigidity

Sarnak's density conjecture, and optimal Diophantine exponents on the hyperbolic plane

Property (T) and a-T-menability for Banach spaces

Recent progress in the study of Gibbs measures on line ensembles

Profinite rigidity: Finite presentation versus finite generation

Profinite rigidity, Grothendieck Pairs, and finiteness properties

Uniform stability of lattices in high-rank semisimple groups

Rational maps, Kleinian groups and correspondences

Horocycle orbit closures in periodic surfaces

Geometry of periodic points, in families

First passage percolation: Questions, conjectures and some results

Surface sums and Yang-Mills gauge theory