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How to Have a Difficult or Sensitive Conversation | #culturedrop | Galen Emanuele

PSA: No one wants or needs a leader breathing down their neck to make sure they’re being productive.

A quote about leadership mindset, that I love so much. All leaders should have this memorized.

The truth about engaging GenZ employees in the workforce: ask them what they want and support them.

An amazing quote about leader ship that I think everyone needs to hear #culture #leadershipqualities

It’s on leaders to find other metrics of success than if an employee is sitting at a desk all day.

Some thoughts on cross-training #culturedrop #leadershipdevelopment #eq

PSA to those suffering from imposter syndrome #culturedrop #leadershipqualities

Leaders: do not punish your best performing employees for the poor behavior of your worst ones. #eq

It’s unfair to the best performers on your team to keep around someone who is toxic or full of drama

Don’t be the one to keep toxic people on your team #culturedrop #leadershipcommunication #eq

How to make others feel seen and heard #culturedrop #eq #leadershipcommunication

Leaders MASSIVELY Impact Employee Experience | #culturedrop | Galen Emanuele

June Recap & Highlights | #culturedrop | Galen Emanuele

One simple thing all companies need to do… #culturedrop #eq

The most important policy you can have in place to improve employee experience #culturedrop #eq

Toxic Employees Poison Culture: Get Rid of Them | #culturedrop | Galen Emanuele

What traits are important for you to embody? #personaldevelopment #personalgrowth #impact

Leaders: be more generous with time off, compensation, culture, etc. Be. Generous. #culturedrop #eq

How do you want to show up for others? #eq #impact #personaldevelopment

Every company needs to be fully indexed on this key to employee experience #culturedrop #eq

What would you be proud to be known for? #culturedrop #eq #communication

May #culturedrop Recap | #culturedrop | Galen Emanuele

Be indexed on how you can be more generous as a leader, team, and organization. #culturedrop #eq