Все публикации

Feeding the bees

A surprise baby shower!

Treating bees for Varroa mites. 

Scrub a dub dub 

Walk soft and carry a big stick 

Twinkly lights

Wax Moth take over

Miss my Grandpa.

They were under his floor!

checking out the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

Instantvap oxalic acid vaporizer unboxing

What is the difference in a  package of bees versus a nucleus hive?

The klutzy beekeeper. 

How to set up your first beehive.

A swarm moved in right after I set up the trap!

Time for a split!

April 7, 2024

Caught a swarm in progress while catching a different swarm!

Blackberry Heaven 

April 1, 2024

Beeswax molding 

I lost 8 hives after feeding them honey!

First check of the year. ( HUGE LOSSES! )

Hillco minimax 9 frame honey extractor review