Все публикации

Worries for Suits

Suits' Analysis of Games

Wittgenstein on Games

Necessary & Sufficient Conditions, Definitions, and Conceptual Analysis

Locke & Hume: A case for concept empiricism

Intro to Locke and Hume's Empiricism

Modern Phil Mind Wrap Up

Worries for Amo

Amo on Body, Sensation, and the Mind

What is Hedonism?

Introducing Philosophical Questions of Well Being

Common Deductive and Inductive Forms (Updated)

Content, Logic, and Evaluative Standards (Updated)

Anatomy of an Argument (Updated)

Advantages and disadvantages of the Ethic of Prima Facie Duties

Intro to the Principle of Universalizability

Utilitarianism and Special Obligations

Utilitarianism and Demandingness

Intro. to Consequentialism and Utilitarianism

Introduction to the Logical Problem of Evil

Riggle on Awesomeness Part 2

Lecture: Traditional Responses to Skepticism

Lecture: Worries for the Method Of Doubt

Philosophy of Religion: Hilbert's Hotel