Все публикации

#how to download Facebook video without any app

Download Facebook Video in second #facebook #download

#how to make typing speed fast #speed #typing

If Tp = q & Tq = p in A.P. Then prove that Tp+q = 0 | Hindi tutorial

Arithmetic progression in which T3 = 12 and T6 = 42 then find T26?? |#hindi tutorial

#how to watch YouTube video without Ads #youtubevideo #withoutads

how to set password in folder #shott

All Brothers Shortcuts #short #shortcuts

27 #find term in Arithmetic progression | Hindi tutorial

how to create rotating icon #rorating #icon

programming symbols #short

09 #sql arithmatic & logical operators use in Oracle (hindi)

#IN v/s NOT IN ORACLE SQL Operator #in #notin #operator #oracle

#how to create pyramid in python #python

26 #if AB=[] & ABC=[] then find Matrix C

25 #solve this matrix using Inverse of Matrix (2x+3y=13 & 3x+2y=12) in hindi

24 #Find A & B When 2A-B=[] and 3A-B=[]

23 #Find adjoint of A(A+B)

22 #adjoint of Matrix in hindi

21 #solve using cramer's rule [(x/3)+(y/2)=4 & (3x/2)+(y/4)=10] | hindi tutorial

20 #(6/x+y) + (8/x-y) = 10 & (3/x+y) + (2/x-y) = 3 solve using cramer's rule

19 #three linear equations solve using cramer's rule

18 #How to Solve Two Linear Equations Using Cramer's Rule in hindi

17 #find all the Co-Factors of this Determinant in hindi