Все публикации

If a set is connected, its closure must be connected (proof)

Weierstrass Approximation Theorem (Constructive Proof)

Brouwer and Schauder Fixed Point Theorems (With Proof)

The union of a sequence with its limit point is closed (proof sketch)

clocks & strawberries

brok en.



why is e irrational? (a mathsheetz presentation)

Ethical Soy - Final Presentation


lagrange interpolation formula (with proof)

electric field of a uniformly charged sphere (coulomb + gauss law)

det(A+B) + det(A-B) = 2det(A) + 2det(B). along with a bonus problem.

each number has a unique prime factorization (proof)

show that there are infinite primes

show that no number in the sequence {11 ,111, 1111, ...} is a perfect square

show that there are infinitely many primes of the form 4n-1 (proof)

Number Theory: prove that if (a^b) - 1 is prime, then a=2 and b is prime (Mersenne Primes) (proof)

no Pythagorean triple of all primes (proof)

1985 Putnam A5 (Solution)

GRAVITY - Introduction to General Relativity (lect 1)

Calc III MIT final exam Q1b.