Все публикации

Chandrayaan 3 Landing

Programming with C Lec - 1 : Number system

Real Analysis: Sem - II : Lec 5:Countable Uncountable Set Theorems.

Real Analysis: Sem - II : Lec 4: Countable Uncountable Set.

Real Analysis: Sem - II : Lec 3: Real number system

SLST Maths: C11: Abstract Algebra Class 2

SLST Maths: C10: Abstract Algebra Class 1

SLST Maths: C9: Inequality: Problems

SLST Maths: C8: Integers: Problems| Inequality Theorems

SLST Maths: C7: Integers: Theorems

SLST Maths: C6: Theory of Equations: Problems

SLST Maths: C5: Theory of Equations: Special Roots and Reciprocal Equation

SLST Maths: C4: Theory of Equations: Problems and Descartes' rule of signs

Classical Algebra Lec 11: Theory of Equations|| Class 3

Classical Algebra Lec 10: Theory of Equations|| Class 2

Classical Algebra Lec 9: Theory of Equations|| Class 1

SLST Maths: C2: Complex Numbers: Exponential, Logarithmic, Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions

Classical Algebra Lec 2B: Complex Numbers: Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions.

Classical Algebra Lec 2A: Complex Numbers: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions .

SLST Maths: C1: Complex Numbers

Real Analysis: Sem-II: Lec-6: Real number System : The set of real numbers is Uncountable

UG Maths Live Stream

PDE Lec 5: 2nd Order Partial Differential Equation: Classification: Parabolic, Hyperbolic, Elliptic

PDE Lec 4: 2nd Order Partial Differential Equation: Canonical Form