Все публикации

MUGEN: Sho Kamui Vs. Awakened Kaede

M.U.G.E.N. Top Tier Tournament Grand Championship

How it feels playing GunZ 2034 in 2021

Deviok's GunZ Gladiator Guide: Momentum Control

Deviok Vs. a skill map [Episode 3]

Deviok Vs. a skill map [Episode 2]

Deviok triple butterfly pro

Deviok's GunZ Guide: Slash Placement

Winning via culture (Sins Of A Solar Empire: Rebellion)

Invading a capital planet (Sins Of A Solar Empire: Rebellion)

Consuming A Planet (Sins Of A Solar Empire: Rebellion)

Sins Of A Solar Empire: Rebellion

Citystate: Making a Utopia and $2.5 million a month by taxing everyone 100% and they love me

MUGEN: Thanos Vs. Haohmaru

Dark Souls magic man

Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta Vs. Kenshiro

MUGEN: Haohmaru Vs. Kung Fu Girl

GunZ The Duel: Anathema Vs. Flower

GunZ The Duel: GilGilGil Vs. AryaVarwin

Dark Souls: Ornstein and Smough Vs. a wanderer and his katana

Dark Souls: sentinel noobs and gargoyle ez sauce

Samurai Jack: How season 5 episode 5 should have ended.

Samurai Jack: Stop, enough!

MUGEN: Kaede Vs. Rugal