Все публикации

623 lbs x 3 Beltless Deadlift | Half Natty Comeback #training #powerlifting

How I Got My Pull-ups CRAZY Strong While Powerbuilding! (123lbs added to 220lb bodyweight)

Ep. 1: Fix Lagging Muscles: Reprogramming Proprioceptive Feedback Loops

The BEST Programming Tactics For Powerlifting (set/rep programming)

Why I STOPPED Squatting Upright! (try this instead especially if you’re lanky)

World Class Benchers Do this Technique With The Elbows!

Total Volume Magnifies Muscle Growth, NOT Rep Range.

Heavy Deadlifts, Grip Tricks, Core Training & Platz Squats!

Teaching The Powerlifting Squat from The Ground Up & My Heavy Front Squat Training

5 Fitness HOT Takes & The Science of Spot Reduction (yes it's real)

Heavy Squats & Deads | Rebuilding My Strength

Strength VS Energy Systems (Why You Keep Plateauing & Getting Hurt!)

Squat Mastery Guide: Advanced Bracing Techniques & Biomechanics

You Should Be Programming This Every Week!

Off-Season Programming To Increase Strength & Size (this is actually something you haven't heard of)

Squat Mastery Guide: Stance & Hip Rotation (ep.2 in series)

Squat Mastery Technique Guide: Rack Position (powerlifting/powerbuilding)

Why RPE is Insufficient & How Lifting Programs Must Evolve

Deadlift Recovery & Capacity Scientifically Explained & How to Improve Your Conv. Deadlift

Bench Assistance Exercise For Lanky Arm Lifters

The 3 Best Bench Assistance Exercises For Long Arm Lifters

Why I Train Suboptimal (identity, consciousness & Heavy Lifting)

Are You Really Self Coaching?

You SHOULDN’T Coach Yourself… but… Here’s How to Anyway (powerlifting/bodybuilding)