Все публикации

10 Verbs for Eating & Drinking | Advanced Vocabulary

How to Pronounce S in Plural Nouns

100+ Words with SILENT Letters! (From A-Z)

10 Speaking Mistakes (And How To Fix Them!)

Do YOU know ALL 70 Words?

5 Easy Steps to THINK in English!

Describe WEIGHT and SIZE in English - American Culture

10 Words You (probably) Say Wrong!

50 Words for Everyday Life

Scary or Scared? What's the difference?

ELISIONS in FAST conversation!

REDUCTIONS . . . the secret for FAST English!

Make TH Sound . . . CORRECTLY!

For or To? Learn the Difference!

10 Ways to say 'HOW ARE YOU?' (American English)

END a Conversation POLITELY . . . in English!

AS LONG AS | AS SOON AS | AS WELL AS -- What does it mean?

IN time . . . or ON time? What's the DIFFERENCE?