Все публикации

Sonicake Matribox II Pro Preset 17B Max Hormone

PastFx Mini with HX ONE shimmer reverb full stereo

Dave Grohl 335 Clean Amp Strymon Compadre treble boost

Dave Grohl 335 Clean Amp Strymon Compadre flat boost

MXR Sugar Drive

Dave Grohl 335 into clean amp BOSS OD-3

Gokko Mogwai overdrive & fuzz

Polyphonic Moog Grandmother with MIDI

Best effects in the HX ONE - Slow Filter

Best effects in the HX ONE - Panned Phaser

Best effects in the HX ONE - Poly Capo

Best effects in the HX ONE - AC Flanger #line6 #hxone #multieffects

Best effects in the HX ONE - Auto FIlter

The HX ONE feedbacker is awesome!

MXR Custom Shop GRAN TORINO Boost Overdrive

Microkorg XL with Walrus Sloer & PastFx Mischief 3

Microkorg XL with Walrus Sloer & PastFx Mischief

MXR Gran Torino Overdrive mode

MXR Gran Torino boost mode

MXR Gran Torino boost & overdrive comparison

The Best effects in the Line 6 HX ONE Tape Eater

The Best effects in the Line 6 HX ONE Retro Reel

The Best effects in the Line 6 HX ONE Synth O Matic

The Best effects in the Line 6 HX ONE Harmony Delay