Все публикации

Can You Believe This Guy? #funny #annoying #oblivious

Two is a Couple, Three is a Few! #funny #semantics #bills

What a Good Guy! #funny #hypocrisy #opinion

He's Ignoring You! #funny #ignore #selective

Best Test Pie! #funny #pie #thanksgiving

Yam or Sweet Potato? #funny #yams #sweetpotato

Already Facing the Consequences! #funny #consequences #winning

That's Crazy Talk! #funny #crazytalk #crazy

Talk to the Hand! #funny #badidea #hand

That's Worse Than Cable! #funny #cable #streamingservices

I Can't Believe It! #funny #cantbelieveit #hustle

Small Bags! #funny #really #bags

Toothless Old Woman?! #funny #nightmare #waitwhat

Whose Umbrella Is This?? #funny #umbrella #mystery

Wings On Joe! #funny #wings #funnight

Special Box? #funny #special #innuendo

Did You Hear That?! #funny #scary #noise

This Guy Stinks! #funny #stinky #fart

They're Old! #funny #old #eyesight


He Broke My Shovel! #funny #broken #shovel

Tom's Starting Trouble!

The Cat Came Back! #funny #metaphor #cat

What's Going On Here?! #funny #notwhatyouthink #dontwannaknow