Все публикации

The biggest human prejudice I know of

What else can I do besides a golf swing when I catch a foot?

That goofy near side Americana I’ve been doing on this channel for 15 years

Why should I wear gloves when I train fo’ da streetz?

How much food & water storage do you need for emergencies?

Be a better ape

Understand the Lord’s Prayer to understand forgiveness

Why do fighters always drop their hands when punching like karate katas?

Kungfu did NOT come from India. The Bodidharma / Shaolin myth that won’t go away

There are More Masters of Martial Arts Today than ever Before

He thinks fighters should do Kungfu forms instead of running

BJJ Blackbelts with Imaginary Enemies & No Sense of Humor

Young Ramsey Dewey quotes Shakespeare

More takedowns to instant submissions: Russian tie ups to Chokes

Meet my camera man… and learn how he won his last pro fight

What’s up with pro fighters saying “I don’t spar anymore”?

Pac-Man’s dark origin story. Serious answers to stupid questions.

If the government recommends it, then it must be good?

The main problem with bad women’s self-defense videos

Free-sparring can make you delusional about your fighting skills

Simulations are not violence & Sparring is not competition. Why weapons sparring kinda sucks

A true martial artist is a fighter, not a good person

Let’s watch a bad Women’s Self-Defense video together

Become more aggressive in the gym by being more assertive outside of the gym