Все публикации

2022 Finals Setembre/Octubre RAB El Nou Món Digital - Sony VR2

2022 Per a emetre entre final Setembre/Octubre RAB secció Entreteniment

Demonstrating CTOP Plugins in a Raspberry Pi 4 with a Christmas LED board (2021-Feb)

Create a Docker Container with Ubuntu listening with telnet daemon and access it with Python

One of the goodies from the company, a magic magnet

The New Digital World - 2022-08-01 Summer Edition [EN]

El nou món digital - Edició d'estiu 2022-08-01 [CA]

El nou món digital 2022-07-25 RAB [CA]

Commander Turtle (Python game for kids) drawing HELLO

The making of Commander Turtle Python game for children

Commander Turtle - Explicacions en Català [CA]

Commander Turtle simple programming and drawing game for children written in Python

Using RabbitMQ from Python with pika and Docker Containers for beginners

El nou món digital RAB 2022-07-18 [CA]

Showing exhaustmemory.py taking all the memory from the System

Use Python pandas to read html tables from websites in 3 minutes

Open Source ctop stream 2022-07-13 adding more boring Unit Testing with pytest

Python 3 Unit Testing for beginners with pytest, step by step from 0

El nou món digital RAB 2022-07-11 [CA]

The New Digital World 2022-07-11

Creating a LAMPP Docker Container - Twitch 2022-07-08

OOP for beginners in Python 3 - 2022-07-07

The New Digital World 2022-07-04 - Science, Technology, Entertainment and Video games

El nou món digital RAB 2022-07-04 [CA]