Все публикации

How are virtual tables in SQL used? Virtual Tables in SQL | Nested and complex queries in SQL

What are Data Manipulation Commands in SQL? Data Manipulation Commands | Data Control Commands

What is SQL? Data Definition Commands | Set operations | Aggregate functions | Null values

What is Relational Algebra? Relational Algebra Queries | Relational Calculus

What are the advantages of a Relational model? Data manipulation | Data Integrity

What is a Relational Model? Relational Model | Mapping ER model to Relational Model

What is an Extended Entity-Relationship model? Superclasses | Subclasses | Union type | Aggregation

What is an Entity-relationship model? Entities | Relationships | Generalization | Specialization

What is Database Modeling? Benefits of Database Modeling | Phases of Database Modeling

What is Data Independence? DBMS System Architecture

What is a Database Management System? Users of DBMS | Pros and Cons of Enterprise Database

What is a database? Characteristics of a Database | Advantages of Database

What are Jigs and Fixtures? Drill Jigs | Lathe Fixtures

What are the major parts of an IC engine? Cylinder head Assembly | Piston Assembly | Crankshaft

What are valves? Shut-off Valve | Non-Return valve | Gate Valve

What are Pipe Joints? Flange Pipe Joint | Expansion Pipe Joint

How are Pulleys classified? Flat belt, V-belt and Rope belt pulleys | Fast and Loose Pulleys

What are Pedestal and footstep bearings? Pedestal Bearings | Footstep Bearings

What are conventions in bearings? Roller-element Bearings | Journal Bearings

What are Bearings? Slide Bearings | Rolling-element Bearings | Fluid Bearings

What are Couplings? | Protected Flange coupling | Oldham and Universal couplings |

What is a Knuckle Joint? | Keys | Types of Keys |

What is a Lathe?

What is an Assembly Drawing?