Все публикации

k1 Onni Final assigment 《Once Upon a Time 》- 3 Little pigs and the big bad wolf

k1 Cooper final assignment 《Once Upon a Time 》- The Giant Turnip

k1 Warat final assignment 《Once Upon a Time 》- 3 little pigs and the big bad wolf

The Giant turnip role-playing by k1 batch 2024-2025 group 2

The Giant Turnip role-playing by k1 batch 2024-2025

k3 Preay- About My School Introduction

k3 Hao- About My School Introduction

K3 Han- About My School Introduction

k3 Bono- About My School Introduction

k3 Talay- About My School introduction

k1 Warut- final project presentation in the unit: 《Little Movers make Giant Strides 》

k1 Onnie- final project presentation in the unit: 《Little Movers make Giant Strides 》

k1 Cooper: final project presentation in unit-《Little Movers make Giant Strides 》

Chinese class in unit:《Transportation 》

Exhibition Day Term 1 2023-2024

Hao Han k1 moving up ceremony- 《Animal Rescuers 》presentation and dance

Hao Han k1 moving up ceremony 《90's》- world cup 1998 presentation and dance

Cookie making with Nursery Karrin

cookie making with Nursery Yelle

cookie making with Han

Cookie making with k1 Preay

Cookie making with K1 Hao

Cookie Making with k1 Paul