Все публикации

'Castle On The Hill' LIVE from Celtic Thunder: X. #celticthunder #edsheeran

Neil Byrne sings 'She's Always A Woman' from New Voyage (2013). #newvoyage #celticthunder #billyjoel

#CelticThunder sings 'Take Me Home' from It's Entertainment (2010). #takemehome #celtic

@McGintyDamian sings 'L.O.V.E.' from Celtic Thunder X (2018). #celticthunder #damianmcginty #love

Celtic Thunder sings 'Maid of Culmore' from Voyage ☘️

'I'm A Believer' Live from #CelticThunder X ☘️

Celtic Thunder Odyssey - Now We Are Free (Gladiator Theme) #celticthunder #celticmusic #Gladiator

Celtic Thunder Odyssey - Now We Are Free (Gladiator Theme)

Celtic Thunder Odyssey - The Star Spangled Banner (Monday Night Football)

Celtic Thunder Odyssey - Fare Thee Well

Celtic Thunder Odyssey - Past the Point

Celtic Thunder Odyssey - The Green Fields Of France

Celtic Thunder Odyssey - Farewell

Celtic Thunder Odyssey - Grace

Celtic Thunder Odyssey - Rare Aul Times

Celtic Thunder Odyssey - One More Day

Celtic Thunder Odyssey - Step it Out Mary

Celtic Thunder Odyssey - Caledonia

Celtic Thunder Odyssey - Fields of Athenry

Celtic Thunder Odyssey - Amazing Grace

Celtic Thunder Odyssey - Galway Girl

Celtic Thunder Odyssey - Mo Ghile Mear

Celtic Thunder Odyssey - The Wellerman

Celtic Thunder- 'The Wellerman'