Все публикации

Ellampsis - Ἔλλαμψις Journal series, Book 1

Vigilance: Wise instruction on spiritual warfare - Spiritual instruction for teenagers

Πως αντιμετώπισα τη Χημειοθεραπεία με τη βοήθεια του Θεού

How I managed chemotherapy with God's help


Τι είναι η Μεσοπεντηκοστή;

G major guitar chord exercise

C major guitar chord exercise


How to bear external and interior crosses

Sunday before Holy Cross | Take a look at the Cross

Eleventh Sunday of Matthew | How to erase debts

How to let go and let God.

Peace is not found in the absence of the storm, but in the presence of Jesus Christ

Eighth Sunday of Matthew | An impossibility becomes an opportunity for God

Seventh Sunday of Matthew | Jesus 'ignores' the two blind men.

Sixth Sunday of Matthew | How paralysis is healed

Fifth Sunday of Matthew | Let Your Light Shine

Fourth Sunday of Matthew | The Centurion's Secret Revealed

Third Sunday of Matthew | Solving anxiety forever!

Second Sunday of Matthew | Everyone is caught by someone -- either by Christ or by Satan

Sunday of All Saints | Models of Spiritual Beauty

Sunday of Holy Pentecost | What is the true meaning of Pentecost?

Sunday of the Fathers of the First Council | What are we called to do to enter eternal life?