Все публикации

Power of education. #knowledge #money #govtJob #saraswatimata

If Cosx=-1/2 and x lies in third quadrant then tanx=?

Find the area of the sector of a cirlce with radius 5cm and central angle 60 degree

The distance between the centres of two circles having radii 16 cm and 8 cm, is 26 cm.

If 12 men and 16 boys can do a piece of work in 5 days, 13 men and 24 boys can do it in 4 days, then

In a constituency, 90% of the total number of people on the electoral roll cast their votes during

How many of the following numbers are divisible by 132

What is the radius of circle which circumscribes the triangle ABC whose sides are 16, 30, 34 units,

One quality of rice at Rs. 45 per kg is mixed with another quality at certain rate in ratio of 3∶2.

Pratima and Diksha can complete a typing work separately in 10 hours and 15 hours, respectively

After allowing a discount of 15%, the value of a washing machine is Rs. 29,750. If no discount is

If at least 60% marks in Mathematics are required for pursuing higher studies in Matheatics, then

aCotθ + bCosecθ = p and bCotθ + aCosecθ = q find p^2 - q^2

Sinθ = 4/5, find the value of tanθ-cotθ

The successive discounts of 12%, 20% and 25% is equivalent to a single discount of..

x - 1/x = sq. root 6 and x is greater than 1, find (x^8-1/x^8)

simplify (x^4 - 2x^2 + 1)/(x^2 -2x +1)

Suhani pays tax at the rate of 30% on her entire income of Rs. 90,000 and Ritika pays tax at the

15 men can complete a work in 25 days, and 25 women can complete the same work in 40 days.

An arc of length 23.1 cm subtends an 18° angle at the centre. What is the area of the circle?

A thief is spotted by a constable from 200m. When the constable starts the chase, the thief also

A, B and C can do a piece of work in 30 days, 40 days and 50 days respectively. Beginning with A,

Find the sum of 3 + 3^2 +3^3 + ......... + 3^8

If the side of an equilateral triangle is increased by 34% then find the percentage change in area